Make Simple QR code with Python

Make Simple QR code with Python

Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Pre-requisite
  3. Input
  4. Code
  5. Output


A QR code consists of squares in a square grid on a background that stores information. The QR code is read by an imaging device and interprets the image into human accessible data.

In python you can easily make a basic QR code generator which you can use later in your projects. In this blog , we will see how we can make a very simple and basic QR code generator. We won't dive into any complex coding. So , we will take a simple text and convert it into a QR code.

Let's start

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  • Pre-requisite

    1. Python installed

    2. Install pure python qr code generator like below :

pip install qrcode[pil]
  • Input

    "Codengocool is really cool" - this text will be our input in the QR code generator.

  • Code

import qrcode
img=qrcode.make("Codengocool is really cool")"basic.png")

In the make() method we parse the input which could be text or number or anything else that we want to convert in a QR code.

The save parameters saves the image into a supported image file for example : png, jpg, jpeg etc. To save in svg format follow [this link](

Scan the QR code from output section to see for yourself the extracted result.

  • Output
