Table of Content
1. Context
2. Algorithm
3. Pre-requisite
4. Functions and operation we will use
6. Output
7. Full Code Here
Our passwords keep our valuable accounts safe and secured. The more these passwords are unpredictable , the more our account is secured. In general , a most secured password needs at least one uppercase and one lowercase letter , one digit and one special character and the password length should be at least 8.
In terms of creating a password , we always try to create one that we can easily remember.
The National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) said 15% of the population used pets' names, 14% use a family member's name, and 13% pick a notable date. And 6% of people are still using "password" as all - or a part - of their password. ( source : BBC NEWS )
So , in generating a totally random and unpredictable password , an algorithm can be helpful. In this blog , I will write a code for generating a random password in Python.
step by step |
Step 1 : Take a user input of password's length. |
Step 2 : Substract 4 from the length and store the result in a variable. rest_index= length-4 |
Step 3 : To make sure your password have at least one uppercase , one lowercase letter, one digit and one character , you need to keep 4 space in the index. That's why we substracted 4 in step 2. Now randomly select one Uppercase , one Lowercase , one digit , one special character and store them in a variable. password+=radom uppercase+random lowercase + random digit + random special character |
Step 4 : Now we will shuffle the position of the strings in password so that the index of them become unpredictable as well. password=shuffle the position of all the strings |
Step 5 : Now for the rest of the strings , we will execute a loop starting from 0 to length-4 (as we have figured four letter first). password=shuffle the position of all the strings |
Step 6 : Now in that loop we will choose one string randomly and we will randomly select would that be a uppercase or lowercase or digit or special charecter . temp = random (Uppercase/ Lowercase/digit/special charecter); if temp=uppercase then pasword+=random uppercase |
Step 7 : Now you can print the password. print(pasword) |
- Python installed
- Ide or Idle or run on shell . (I prefer Spyder ide )
- Basic concept of how to execute code
Functions and operation we will use
random - module :
This module implements pseudo-random number generators for various distributions.
random.choice(seq) : Return a random element from the non-empty sequence seq.
random.sample(population, k, *, counts=None) : Return a k length list of unique elements chosen from the population sequence or set. Used for random sampling without replacement.
Source: Here is linkString operations :
This module implements pseudo-random number generators for various distributions.
string.ascii_lowercase : The lowercase letters 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'.
string.ascii_uppercase: The uppercase letters 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'. This value is not locale-dependent and will not change.
string.digits: The string '0123456789'.
string.punctuation: String of ASCII characters which are considered punctuation characters in the C locale: !"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[]^_`{|}~.
Source: Here is link
Start coding
- Import random module and string module in your code.
import random as rand
import string
- take user input of password's length and initialize password string as empty. Substract four from the original length and store it in rest_index. (we will fill up 4 index with 4 fixed string )
print("Enter a length of password at least 8 :")
- Randomly choose one uppercase and one lowercase letter , one digit and one special charecter with string and random module. then concat all 4 of them with password variable.
- Later shuffle the position of the string with rand.sample() function and use join function to join them as string and then store it in password variable.
password+=rand.choice(string.ascii_uppercase)+rand.choice(string.ascii_lowercase)+ rand.choice(string.digits)+rand.choice(string.punctuation)
password= ''.join((rand.sample(password,len(password))))
- Make a list of choices in variable mainChoice where "U" = uppercase letter; "L" = lowercase letter; "N" = digit; "S" = special charecter;
- We will execute a loop from 0 to rest_index (Here rest_index=length-4) and figure out other random string. -To do that , we will randomly choose from the mainChoice list one string and in our if-else condition we will execute according to that.
for x in range(0,rest_index):
password+= rand.choice(string.digits)
- Now we can print the generated password
- Now run the code and you will see the output like below :
Enter a length of password at least 8 :
Your password is : J?9k]k8&
You can now copy and paste it in anywhere you like. It's random and fully unpredictable.
Full Code Here:
import random as rand
import string
print("Enter a length of password at least 8 :")
password+=rand.choice(string.ascii_uppercase)+rand.choice(string.ascii_lowercase)+ rand.choice(string.digits)+rand.choice(string.punctuation)
password= ''.join((rand.sample(password,len(password))))
for x in range(0,rest_index):
password+= rand.choice(string.digits)
print("Your password is : ", password)